So we have all wondered as we do about these paranormal shows, and I guess I should have known better to expect anything more from the starting to flay TAPS team who need to keep ratings… After so many seasons it was always on the cards as the same thing happened with the ever popular most haunted. But I must say I am more dissapointed to see the both Jason and Grant stoop so low after professing time and time again they are genuine and that they do not see the point of frauding evidence as it tarnishes the very reputation we ALL work so hard for ….seems to me they need to stop believing their own lies and wake up a bit. I understand that there will be many out there who continue to blindly follow and deny any fraud on the behalf of the boys, but if that is the case you too need to wake up !!!
The evidence has been caught be their very own cameras……….Honestly I am disgusted, yet another blow to the paranormal community dealt to us by none other than the people who helped give the paranormal community it’s spotlight…go figure….and back to sniggers of science we go …..
Thanks TAPS !!!
Let us watch the clip as we would have seen it on the night apparently live……..
Now lets watch the next clip …. where we see the TRUTH behind this massive coat pulling blunder, plus some other more than slight slip up that make us seriously shake our heads ……
So there is it……..Sorry but I will never watch taps and believe another ounce of it again……
I can only hope none of the other TAPS members were aware of Jason and Grants little moments of fraud as not everybody needs to be tarnished with the same brush…