By Allison Andrews
At the turn if the nineteenth century mediums world wider were claiming to be able to make contact with the other side and so grew an interest in psychic phenomena that is still on the rise today. Many of these people had no little to no experience and did not have access to an experienced medium and so developed home circles in an attempt make contact with the other side, most of these circles consisted of a small group of family and or friends. Over time people began to believe that their attempts at communication were actually governing some substantial results, even as armatures they believed they were making a connection with “the other side” but others questioned these results and the cause behind the alleged phenomena.
People were beginning to realise that the causes behind the phenomena was in fact not the work of the spirit world but the collective work of the human mind, when thoughts were concentrated on a single purpose, and could produce startling results.
Table Tipping was a popular form of communication during the spiritualist era but many people would play on the gullibility and venerability of those seeking closure for their own personal reasons.
Every serious investigator should indeed explore this remarkable phenomenon , it is a interesting and some what interesting way to explore the abilities of the human mind.
Lets explore table tipping a little further.
As I have already mentioned table tipping is quite an easy way to promote psychokinesis (PK). What makes table tipping so interesting is that people can produce apparent PK without the intervention of a highly gifted medium, there is also a strong advantage as the phenomena produced can be controlled to a certain degree. While table tipping is a remarkable phenomenon it takes dedication and should be taken seriously and not be taken lightly.
What does table tipping involve ?
The Basic idea is for a group ( called a sitter group ) to sit around a small table with their hands placed on top. In general terms a sitting will take place in complete darkness or a low lit room, when beginning it is also helpful to hold the sitting with the same group of people in the same room at the same desired time each week somewhere you will not be interrupted.
Over these regular sessions the group will begin to experience minimal phenomena which with persistence and dedication will increase with time, each group is different and will experience different levels of phenomena , this may be due to the dynamic and make up of the individual group. Most often at the early stages phenomena may consist of merely creaks and groan within the table an perhaps slight movement, small light may also be seen and cold breezes are often also felt.
In later sessions the phenomena will undoubtedly increase more dramatically in nature, often the table beginning to rock or slide along the floor, as the dynamic rises the table may also rise onto 1 or two legs and successfully the sitting may also achieve complete levitation with all attending sitters hand still on top of the table. Through history there have been reports of the table levitating without the sitters touch at all. There have also been reports through time of physical objects appearing from nowhere these are called apports.
So you want to try table tipping what now ?
1, Choose a quite location for the experiments somewhere where you will not be interrupted. Ideally it should be a place where everyone feels comfortable and relaxed.
2. You will need to choose a suitable table, a small wooden table will be perfect preferably round but this is up to you. Try to keep the table reasonably light as a heavy table will only cause problems.
3. The Lighting in the room is important , and typically table tipping fairs better results in darkness, or low light situations, why I cannot answer ..
4. Once the group is seated try not to focus on “making the table move” but more on just relaxing your body and mind, if you are not relaxed it simply will not work. Talk amongst yourselves if you wish you are trying to create a certain level of synchronization between your mind and being completely relaxed will help achieve this and bring better results.
5. Keep your hand on the table at all times, even if events start to bring a tingle of excitement you must make sure your hands stay on the table top.
6. Through out my research I have found that sometimes a little bit of encouragement helps the phenomena to begin as some of the sitters personal beliefs may be distracting them from letting go and opening up to the possibility of what phenomena may present itself.
7. While nothing may happen at the first sitting or even the second don’t be discouraged like anything it takes time a dedication, some people may see results straight away others may not but don’t be discouraged practice makes perfect !
Good Luck !! And remember relax ….