Archive for the ‘A PARANORMAL JOURNEY’ Category


Friday, September 5th, 2008

I was sitting today being reasonably unproductive and thought, looks like it’s time for another blog instalment.

So far the Australian Paranormal Society has been doing great, with interest abounding both near and far and many new friendships forming everyday which is so nice to see given that this field can be so competitive and nasty. That being said I am about to embark on another venture ( yes I like to keep busy and create more work for myself LOL ) This venture without saying to much will be about bringing the paranormal community in Australia together a little more where we can all share together. Actually to be honest I am just getting sick of forums everybody has one so its time for something a little more original and fun !!! I hope you will all get on board when its all completed.

The team here have been working hard and I don’t know what I would do without Bill and Amanda who have been up for any challenge I have thrown at them and have come out on top every time, its fantastic to have members who truly do have an open mind and a willing to go out on limb and explore new avenues no matter how unconventional they may seem, and DO THE WORK that is involved …. hallelujah.

As far as the blog is concerned I have had nothing but a great response for it, which makes me happy as I was a little worried some of you may not understand WHY I would possibly put the paranormal & occult into the same website. Basically its this, I have been interested and studying both since I was in my early teens so naturally it was something that I felt strongly compelled to do, some of you may not agree with this depending on your own personal and religious beliefs but the content posted on the A.P.S forum does NOT necessarily depict the personal beliefs of the A.P.S members but more that I look for interesting pieces of information and study covering all aspects of the paranormal and occult and if I think it fits I post it.

Personally I think that on the odd occasion the practise of occult study gets a bad wrap much like the Ouija board and the practise of witchcraft, its not the words and the tools that hold any power it is the person behind the words and tools that depending on their mental state and frame of mind can be a dangerous tool without experience, and instead of hiding the occult away from the public as something EVIL I would rather give you the information and if you so choose to use it in an inappropriate way YOU and YOU alone must suffer the consequence of your actions, but this is why I believe so many have problems, inexperience teamed with curiosity is a lethal weapon in itself and the reason too many people end up with those negative energies that are just waiting to feed on people who have no idea what they are playing with.

Experience and Knowledge is everything … use it wisely and should be safe ( most of the time ), and I don’t mean by telling people the Malleus Maleficarum is a great book to read on the birth of witchcraft !!! Which I recently read on a forum coming from someone who claims they know a lot about witchcraft….this is what I mean about inexperience or should I just say plain stupidity, anyway I had quite a good giggle LOL.

I hope you all have noticed that on a recent trip to the U.S Alison Oborn of PFI in South Australia  was lucky enough to be a guest along side Keith and Sandra from Near Paranormal on their show, If you missed it, not to worry I have posted it up for all to see as I am always proud to see the Aussies getting the word out there, especially when its somebody who is as modest and intelligent as Alison !!

Please keep sending along your emails, questions and requests as I am always happy to hear from everyone and am always here to help anybody who needs it.

For now I bid you all farewell until next time ..

Supernaturally yours


( ok I stole that line from Jeff Belanger but I have always wanted to use it, Sorry Jeff LOL )


Saturday, July 19th, 2008

I would just like to say thank you to all the people who are subscribing to the Australian Paranormal Society feed, the support is sincerely appreciated and helping to site grow daily.


Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Firstly I would like to say hello and welcome to the people who are reading the blog, subscribing and generally showing support to the A.P.S it is both welcomed and appreciated !!

To all of you out the who do not know me my name is Allison and i am the founder of this site and blog. It has been a long time coming to embark on this adventure of building my own team, site and blog and well overdue but alas I have finally begun to achieve what it is I have always wanted to do.

Like many of you out there I too had experiences as a child which looking back on could probably have been easily explained but have forever stuck in my mind as something strange, but i am always grateful to these events as they have shaped the way i choose to perceive the world around me, I say choose as there are many out there who I readily know will not agree with all of my beliefs and opinions but we are all entitled to think freely in our own way and in this day and age where just about every person has their own beliefs, theories and methods in this field I am going to be completely honest and put myself out there which is something i dont believe a lot of investigators do these days, they hide behind what they think the public and the skeptical community need and want to hear in order in order to solidify what they believe is a good reputation in the community, if you are a believer don’t be afraid so say so !

I am also sick of seeing team after team claiming to investigate scientifically when in fact they are using no science at all other than a few items of equipment which holds no scientific value unless used conducting proper scientific experiments under controlled conditions over a period of time, which i have not seem happen yet ( or at least not in my area ). I understand this in itself is not an easy task to complete as this field cannot be tested by clicking ones fingers but if teams are going to continually claim they use “science” to investigate do it properly or don’t make the claim, it only gives the the public and skeptical community one more reason to ridicule what we do, we can only do what we can do and that IS use what we have available to document locations and events we experience to the best of our ability using what we do have.

I have come to realize very quickly there will ALWAYS be people who claim fraud so why keep trying convince people who choose to disbelieve in what we do, just be happy in knowing you are doing things to the very best of your ability, nobody is always right but its the mistakes we make that help us to discover new things.

I will be the first to say i am not perfect nor do I know everything about this field, that is impossible, but i am also not the sort of person who will disregard the theories and methods being put forward every day but people simply trying to find answers in this unknown field. Prime example would be the ” Franks Box”, I have heard skeptics claim this device is an absolute fallacy, the same skeptics I also know have not used the device or even tried and when they have have claimed to have done an experiment in which no data was presented, this in its self is where we begin to go around in circles.

I will admit i am not a staunch supporter of this device either but i am certainly not going to dismiss the theory or method without experimenting with the claim either. Many people are quick to jump on the claim of ” fallacy” but some of our greatest discoveries have come from almost seemingly impossible theories .. a great man once said :

“when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”
-Arthur Conan Doyle

This field started as a hobby for me some five years ago when i discovered a forum and quickly became a full time obsession not only to discover but to help those who do not understand things that are going on around them, but this was not something a just decided would be “fun” to do it is something i believe i was always going to do. When unpacking old boxes stored at my mother and father two years ago I discovered books I had horded and collected as a teenager, paranormal books, as I flipped through the pages i had underlined key factors in many cases throughout history and what i ( at the time ) had believed to be the cause of the haunting. I had long forgotten about this but it brought back memories of me wanting to be a paranormal investigator when I was older ( something at the time I never imagined was possible ) but here I am. I guess what i am trying to say is that this is not something I have just started after watching three episodes of ghost hunters and thinking ” this looks cool, I want to be a ghost hunter” this is something I have always had a passion for.

I have seen a rise in this field over the last few years and I think this rise will fall as quickly as it has grown after people being to realize this is not a game nor is it cool, it takes dedication, time, hard work and funds ( yes this is an expensive little hobby !! ). There are many more factors than just going to a location or a residence and walking around with a camera talking a few photos and leaving, that is only scratching the surface, would you know how to identify fraud ? would you know what red flags to look for that indicate the the owner of the residence is unstable ? and if so what would you do ? again a lot of things to consider but if you are dedicated or obsessed whichever way you want to look at it you wont mind all these factors you will only want to learn more and discover like I do.

But I will also be honest in saying like so many others some of my first investigations were in cemeteries which held little to no value but where fun all the same, and like so many others I caught my first ORB which I was positive was some sort of paranormal phenomenon only to discover it was dust but it kept my interest peaked to find out more, so anybody reading this, do not be discouraged to find out what you think is evidence has a natural explanation if you truly love this field it will only present more questions that need answering.

And so begins my paranormal journey…………

Agree or Disagree that is up to you but here I will post my personal thoughts and opinions about the way I see things for all of you to share my quest for answers.
