Friday, September 5th, 2008I was sitting today being reasonably unproductive and thought, looks like it’s time for another blog instalment.
So far the Australian Paranormal Society has been doing great, with interest abounding both near and far and many new friendships forming everyday which is so nice to see given that this field can be so competitive and nasty. That being said I am about to embark on another venture ( yes I like to keep busy and create more work for myself LOL ) This venture without saying to much will be about bringing the paranormal community in Australia together a little more where we can all share together. Actually to be honest I am just getting sick of forums everybody has one so its time for something a little more original and fun !!! I hope you will all get on board when its all completed.
The team here have been working hard and I don’t know what I would do without Bill and Amanda who have been up for any challenge I have thrown at them and have come out on top every time, its fantastic to have members who truly do have an open mind and a willing to go out on limb and explore new avenues no matter how unconventional they may seem, and DO THE WORK that is involved …. hallelujah.
As far as the blog is concerned I have had nothing but a great response for it, which makes me happy as I was a little worried some of you may not understand WHY I would possibly put the paranormal & occult into the same website. Basically its this, I have been interested and studying both since I was in my early teens so naturally it was something that I felt strongly compelled to do, some of you may not agree with this depending on your own personal and religious beliefs but the content posted on the A.P.S forum does NOT necessarily depict the personal beliefs of the A.P.S members but more that I look for interesting pieces of information and study covering all aspects of the paranormal and occult and if I think it fits I post it.
Personally I think that on the odd occasion the practise of occult study gets a bad wrap much like the Ouija board and the practise of witchcraft, its not the words and the tools that hold any power it is the person behind the words and tools that depending on their mental state and frame of mind can be a dangerous tool without experience, and instead of hiding the occult away from the public as something EVIL I would rather give you the information and if you so choose to use it in an inappropriate way YOU and YOU alone must suffer the consequence of your actions, but this is why I believe so many have problems, inexperience teamed with curiosity is a lethal weapon in itself and the reason too many people end up with those negative energies that are just waiting to feed on people who have no idea what they are playing with.
Experience and Knowledge is everything … use it wisely and should be safe ( most of the time ), and I don’t mean by telling people the Malleus Maleficarum is a great book to read on the birth of witchcraft !!! Which I recently read on a forum coming from someone who claims they know a lot about witchcraft….this is what I mean about inexperience or should I just say plain stupidity, anyway I had quite a good giggle LOL.
I hope you all have noticed that on a recent trip to the U.S Alison Oborn of PFI in South Australia was lucky enough to be a guest along side Keith and Sandra from Near Paranormal on their show, If you missed it, not to worry I have posted it up for all to see as I am always proud to see the Aussies getting the word out there, especially when its somebody who is as modest and intelligent as Alison !!
Please keep sending along your emails, questions and requests as I am always happy to hear from everyone and am always here to help anybody who needs it.
For now I bid you all farewell until next time ..
Supernaturally yours
( ok I stole that line from Jeff Belanger but I have always wanted to use it, Sorry Jeff LOL )