1. Please ensure your story has been spellchecked, and proper grammar has been used through out.
  2. Stories that contain profanity will not be published.
  3. Please ensure you include all relevant information and documents in relation to the story, photos, audio, etc
  4. If you choose to submit an experience to the Australian Paranormal Society please note : All written submissions will be reviewed before being added to the site.
  5. The A.P.S does not endorse submission of stories that have been previously published. If you wish to publish such a story please contact the A.P.S through the contact form to make arrangements.
  6. By submitting to the www.AustralianParanormalSociety.com you agree that the A.P.S may use the submission to promote or provide to media sources if necessary, This will include Newspapers, Magazines and other media representation currently in print.

If you would like to contact the Australian Paranormal Society please fill out the form below.

Your Name
Country You Reside In
Your Email Address
Would you like your name to appear in the Story ? Yes No
Do you grant permission to be contacted by other sources in regards to your story ? Yes No
Do you have a photograph to add to the story ? Yes No
Story Title
Submit Your Encounter Here
By Clicking Submit, I have read and accept the guidelines below and ensured my submission follows these guidelines.