Please answer the following preliminary questions to help the A.P.S better understand the nature of your experience.
- Do you believe that ghosts and other paranormal entities exist ?
- Did you believe in them before this experience ?
- Do you visit allegedly haunted locations either with a group or alone ?
- Is there a particular religion you follow ?
- How does this religion treat the topic of the paranormal ?
- Do you believe in Angels and/or Demons ?
- What is your family's opinion on ghosts and the paranormal ?
- Do you believe this location was previously haunted ? if so please provide relevant information detailing the reason.
- Do you have a family member that has recently passed over ?
- Have you recently been treated for any illness ? if so please state ?
- Have you ever been treated for mental illness ?
- Are you currently taking any medication ?
- Were you under the influence of alcohol or any other drug during this experience ?
- Have you ever experienced a near death experience ?
- Have you ever had a dream or premonition that later came to pass ?
- Have you ever used a Ouija board ?
- Have you used a Ouija board at this location ?
- At what time did this experience occur ?
- What were the weather conditions at the time of the experience ?
- Have you been under a high amount of stress ?
- How many people were at the location at the time of your experience ?
- What are the ages of these people ?
- What are the religious beliefs of these people ?
- Have you experienced paranormal phenomena at another time on your life ?
- How did this experience make you feel ?
- What were the surrounding conditions at the time of the your experience ?
Please Detail your experience here in as much detail as possible, please include your city and state and a member of the A.P.S will review your case and contact you shortly.