Ron Kolek & Maureen Wood - The New England Ghost Project
Ron Kolek is the founder and lead investigator of The New England Ghost Project. With a degree in Environmental Science, he was the ultimate skeptic. However, a near death experience mad Ron question our existence. No longer blinded by his skepticism, he now uses scientific background to seek the truth in the paranormal. In addition to hosting Ghost Chronicles on Ghostvillage Radio and ITunes, he hosts a weekly internet radio show on, and writes monthly paranormal newspaper columns in The Stateline Review and Food and Spirits.
Maureen Wood is a fifth generation Psychic/Trance-medium. For as far back as she can remember, she has communicated with the deceased. At the age of fifteen, she was introduced to a woman who studied with Laurie Cabot (official Witch of Salem, Massachusetts). This woman took Maureen under her wing and guided her in ways to not only understand, but also control her gifts. At the age of 15, she served as a medium for adult séances. She has practiced, studied, and instructed metaphysical studies for more than twenty-five years. Maureen has been with the New England Ghost Project since 2001 and has accompanied the group on over 100 investigations.